Business Opportunity


Start your own Organic Food business with the only certified Kashmir Company with presence in over 3 continents.

You need to mail us your details at or register with us as an Independent Business Associate (IBA), which enables you to begin earning income through our Entrepreneur plan which includes Guaranteed monthly income plus profit sharing on sales made by IBA. If you know an Organic Kashmir IBA, you should discuss with him or her how this business can help you achieve your personal goals. If you would like to connect with us, we can help you find an Entrepreneur Plan that fits your interests and needs.

When starting a business one thing that matters most is making customers, so we support you by providing world-class business resources, such as customer support, business management, order management, training and motivation. From product-specific training, to business education, self-improvement training, and mentoring programs, so that you can focus on the single most important aspect of building a strong organisation that is your own loyal customer base. you’ll have access to resources to help you build a successful Organic Products business.

Organic Kashmir proactively raises public awareness of the company and products via national and local advertising, sponsorships, exhibitions and events. You are never alone in business with Organic Kashmir.